ms. 2-broken-wrists dresses self
right wrist, now in removable splint, recovering nicely from surgery, tho stiff as a board. awaiting ok from dr. 2 begin physical therapy
Avinu sheh-bashamayim, barech et medinat Yisrael, yoshveha v'chayaleha/Our Father in heaven, bless the State of Israel, its inhabitants and its soldiers.
I know that feeling very well...
I have broken both wrists and some face bones on July 2007 and I spent more than a year "learning" how to do everything once again.
After lots of months that seemed never ending today I look back and appears like it was only yesterday.
Wish you fast and complete recovery ;)
Ricardo "funride" Nunes
Thanx 4 ur good wishes. i'm not exactly looking forward to mos. of therapy, but i certainly don't c any other option. there aren't many jobs out there, period, much less jobs for 59-yr-old females. so i have 2 get back 2 my secretarial job asap, which means that i have 2 get as well as possible as soon as possible.
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